Treatment E. coli class for animal
[Main ingredients] levofloxacin etc.
Indications for various types of intractable poultry colibacillosis, salmonellosis, staphylococcal disease. Mainly for poultry sudden death or accompanied by respiratory symptoms, chaos loose feathers, loss of appetite, loose stools, yellow-white discharge, breathing have a "cuckoo" sound, Egg and egg production rate decreased abnormal eggs, etc.; autopsy shows pericarditis , airbag inflammation, perihepatitis, salpingitis, arthritis, omphalitis embolism.
Prevention: This product per 100g watered 300-400L, once daily, 3-5 for a course.
Treatment: This product per 100g watered 150-200L, once daily, 3-5 for a course.
[Packing] 100g / bottle, 60 bottles / carton